
Assuming that John wants to know the info of the flights that he has booked, such as the ticket number for each flight (often used for seat selection, refund or rebooking).

What do you need to start?

Here is what the ticketing service offers you at the moment:

  1. Get ticketing details

Get ticketing details

You should use the QueryTicketInfo API to keep tabs on ticketing details of the order to timely inform John of the issuing status and related info of his tickets.

You can

  • retrieve ticketing details of other orders by inputting order details.

You then need to show ticketing details to John in your user interface.

Submit airline direct-booking order ticketing information (optional)

Note that once you’ve booked an airline direct-booking order, you will need to submit its ticketing details to us to ask us to issue tickets.

You need to input AirlineOrderID, OrderID (optional) and other order details when submitting ticketing information.

We will inform you of ticketing results through Q message after successful issuing.

Ticketing API reference

please refer to Ticketing Service.