
This service is equivalent to WebHooks.

It used to automatically receive notifications of events that happen. For example, when an order has a schedule change.

Once you receive an event on your server, you can process and act on it as you need.

This is not yet finalised. This documentation is designed to give you an idea of features we’ll be adding to our API in the future.


We’ll progressively add more events.

System guarantees

System guarantees the following properties:

  1. It makes at least one delivery attempt per event.

  2. Events are not delivered in any particular order.

  3. Events are sent at least once.

Create a webhook

To start receiving notifications of events, you’ll need to create a webhook that details the server that will receive the notifications.

Update a webhook

Update a webhook

Notification service schema

To see all of the options you can provide and everything that we’ll return back, please refer to Notification Service.