
After your orders delivery completed.

We do not usually demand instant payment from our distributors for an order, but we often sell products and services to our distributors first and then generate bills after a certain period.

Therefore, we will bill our distributors for products and services over a billing/settlement cycle that is agreed between us in advance, e.g. every one week, every one month.

You can use this service to get settlement details and settle your bill of an agreed billing/settlement cycle within the grace period.

1. Get individual order settlement details

You can use this service to query the price information of different orders within a certain billing/settlement cycle, including fees concerning order item issuance, rebooking and cancellation as well as related cost prices and payment currency.

You need to input its OrderID into this API.

Please refer to SettlementInquire.

2. Get a single bill

Retrieve a bill and its details by its SettlementBillID (the bill ID).

You can use this service to get the details of the bill of a certain billing/settlement cycle, including the settlement cycle, how much you need to pay, currency unit, and the name of a subsidiary.

Our billing team will send you the SettlementBillID (the bill ID) in advance.

Please refer to SettlementDetailQuery.

3. Submit payment information

If you have no questions for a bill and want to pay for the bill, then you need to submit payment information such as card name and card holder together with the SettlementBillID (the bill ID) to us.

We will then deduct the charges of a specified bill from your card.

Note that this service only supports settling with a VCC card.

Please refer to SettlementCardInfoPush.

Settlement service schema

To see all of the options you can provide and everything that we’ll return back, please refer to Settlement Service.