
This document only applies to global ticket offers ancillary service. Here we will outline the essential steps for seat selection.

Firstly, when the order is created successfully, we will check whether the respective flights support seat selection.

Secondly, when the flight supports seat selection, we will retrieve the seat map for the flight.

Finally, after passengers have selected their seats, we will notify you of the seat selection information.

1. Confirm seat selection

Upon successful creation of the order, we will verify whether the flight supports seat selection.

In response, if seat selection is supported, you need to provide us with the seat selection rules, including payment requirements..

2. Retrieve seat map

When the flight supports seat selection and passengers wish to select their preferred seats, we will retrieve the seat map from you.

In response, you need to provide us with the seat map, so that passengers can make their seat selections.

3. Select seat

Once we have obtained the seat map, we will allow passengers to select their preferred seat.

After passengers have made their seat selections, we will notify you with the seat selection information.

In response, you need to provide us with the unique identifier and relevant information, such as SessionId, SeatInfo, PNR, etc.

Global Offers Sales Service schema

To see all of the options you can provide and everything that we’ll return back, please refer to Global Offers Sales Service.