1. Business Process

Customers goto search flight ticket and choose a specific price to save order and reserve by filling traveler information, after that pay the ticket order.

After paid the flight ticket customer can check the order information, and can choose cancel it or change flight if they want.

business process

2. Function Module

  • Shopping

  • Booking

  • Order

    order service
  • Ticketing

    ticketing service
  • Rebooking

    change service
  • Refunding

    refund service
  • Settlement

    settlement service

3. API Description

Flight Search: This operation takes a search criteria as input. It then query, filter and return matching fare prices in the format of flight groups.

Users often use the API for two purposes, including:

Open search:the Flight Search API returns matching fare prices for the specified airports and dates.

Specific search:In order to drill down into a specific itinerary and price, users can make another Flight Search request.

BookingValidation: This operation validates prices and the seat availability of a given itinerary returned from a previous Flight Search request.

Can use "Submit a request" and "Pull Results" to complete the Booking Validation operation.

Reservation: This operation reserves seats for a given itinerary and returns Passenger Name Record (PNR) information as reference of the reservation.

SaveOrder: This operation enables users to place orders of chosen itineraries. Save Order operation saves potential orders and gets the PNR information if required.

Users can use this API for three scenarios:

CreateOrder: save the order information including travelers’detailed information, contacts, additional products, etc.

ModifyOrder: Users call the API to modify orders before submissions.

SubmitOrder: Before a payment is made, Save Order will be called again to submit the Upon completion, the order will be ready for payment and issuing tickets.

PenaltyPolicy: This operation provides Penalty policy including refund and reissue, associated with fair prices. Users invoke this API after the Flight Search API, and sometimes after the Booking Validation API.

PaymentNotification: This operation will set the order status to ’Paid and waiting for issuing ticket’. Users, after receiving payments from their direct customers, use this API to notify Ctrip to be ready to issue tickets.

OrderDetail: This API can obtain all order detail in Ctrip. Such as order date, status, amount, flight info, etc.

OrderNofitication: This server is to pull the order status notification. Notify if the order is cancelled, paid, issued, refunded or changed, etc.