After booking, you can use this service to manage your orders.

1. Get a single order

Retrieve an order and its details by its OrderID.

2. List orders

Retrieve a list of all orders and order details.

Unless you specify a sort parameter, the results may be returned in any order.

3. Submit distributor order ID

By creating an order with us, you may generate an order ID on your side, also known as the distributor order ID, as we call it.

You should submit the order together with your own order ID to us by calling the submitOrder API.

If you did not submit your own order ID to us when creating an order, you can still separately submit it calling this API.

However, if you have already submitted your own order ID through the submitOrder API, there is no need to submit again here.

Please refer to SubmitDistributorOrderID.

4. Get QMailBox historical messages

The Q MailBox contains queue messages from airlines.

If Q messages have been cleared in the reservation system, such as Eterm, the cleared messages can no longer be viewed in the system.

However, you can still use this API to view the cleared messages.

Please refer to QueryQMailBoxHistoricalMessage.

5. Cancel an unissued order

You only need to create an order cancellation application. You can get your money back, if the order has been paid.

There are two scenarios with regard to order cancellation.

Scenario 1: cancel unpaid orders

If the order is not yet paid, you can cancel it without any restrictions.

Scenario 2: cancel paid orders with unissued items

If the order is paid but order items are not yet issued, you can still cancel the order without any restrictions and get your money back.

You only need to create an order cancellation application.

Please refer to CancelOrder.

6. Cancel an issued order

For an issued order, please refer to Order Refund Service.

Order service schema

To see all of the options you can provide and everything that we’ll return back, please refer to Order Service.