
Before all, you need to reach business cooperation with trip.com.

This document only applies to the sale of global ticket offers. Here we will outline the essential steps for order creation.

Firstly, you need to provide us with your available offers, so that we can present them to our passengers for their selection.

Secondly, when passengers express interest in a candidate offer, we will verify its accuracy and availability with you once again.

Finally, once the offer has been verified and we have collected all required travel information from passengers, we will initiate an order creation request.

Possibly, when the created order meets the conditions for cancellation, we will initiate an order cancellation request.

To see more ancillary service we provided, please refer to Global Offers Ancillary Service.

1. Shopping offer

Retrieve available offers from you based on the passenger’s Departure, Arrival, DepartureDate, etc.

QPS of this request may be very high, you need to ensure the load capacity of your system in advance.

2. Confirm offer

When passengers select an offer provided by you, we will initiate an offer confirmation request.

The confirmation request will validate whether the offer has been changed or whether there are still enough seats available.

If the confirmation result is unavailable or inconsistent, it may impact your booking count.

Trip.com will initiate an offer confirmation request for each ticket within a multi-ticket trip.

3. Create order

Once the offer has been verified and passengers have completed all required travel information, we will initiate an order creation request.

In response, you need to occupy the relevant resources without temporary status, and provide us with the unique identifier and relevant information, such as SessionId, Routing, etc.

4. Cancel order

When the created order meets the conditions for cancellation, for example, the payment for this order remains incomplete for a long time, we will initiate an order cancellation request.

In response, you need to release the occupied resources.

This API serves as a notification for order cancellation, it is your responsibility to ensure that your system is functioning properly.

5. Subscribe message

When the confirmation of an offer fails, we will check whether you have the same offer.

If you did, we will notify you.

Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to take actions.

6. Refresh offer

In order to enhance the freshness of offers,

whenever new offers become available or existing offers require updates or removal,

you can proactively push the latest offers to us.

This API has a rate limit in place. If you anticipate that you will call the API frequently and may exceed the rate limit, please contact us for further assistance.

Global Offers Sales Service schema

To see all of the options you can provide and everything that we’ll return back, please refer to Global Offers Sales Service.