
Assuming that all of John’s orders within the past month have been delivered and you have agreed with us to a monthly billing cycle, we will then add up the charges for all orders during the past month and generate a billing ID (SettlementBillID), and then we will use the notification service to inform you of settlement and the billing ID. After receiving the settlement notification, you can use the settlement service to pay the bill.

What do you need to start?

You need to receive the settlement notification and the billing ID (SettlementBillID) through the notification service.

Here is what the settlement service offers you at the moment:

  1. Retrieve the settlement details of individual orders

  2. Retrieve a single bill and its details

  3. Submit payment information for settlement

1. Retrieve the settlement details of individual orders

You can use the SettlementInquire API to query the price information of different orders within a certain billing/settlement cycle, such as fees concerning issuing, rebooking, cancellation and refunding as well as related cost prices and payment currency.

You need to input the OrderID of the order whose settlement details you want to retrieve into the SettlementInquire API.

2. Retrieve a single bill and its details

You can retrieve a bill of a certain billing/settlement cycle and its details by its SettlementBillID (the bill ID) through the SettlementDetailQuery API, including the settlement cycle, how much you need to pay, currency unit, and the name of a subsidiary.

Note that our billing team will send you the SettlementBillID (the bill ID) in advance.

3. Submit payment information for settlement

If you have no questions for a bill and want to pay for the bill, then you need to submit payment information such as card name and card holder together with the SettlementBillID (the bill ID) to us.

We will then deduct the charges of a specified bill from your card.

Note that

  1. For settlement online, this service only supports settling with a VCC card.

  2. For settlement offline, you can resort to methods like transferring money to us through a bank.

Settlement API reference

please refer to Settlement Service.