
Provides order fulfillment-related services to assist third parties in querying order-related information after sales.

Functions include canceling flight ticket orders, setting payment received, uploading documents, and querying order details.

1. Cancel Flight Ticket Order

Supports third parties in canceling un-ticketed orders when customers request cancellation.

Users can choose to cancel all related orders simultaneously, ensuring a smooth customer experience.

2. Set Payment Received

When customers pay for an order to third parties, the third parties notify Ctrip that the payment has been received.

Ctrip then updates the order status to "paid" and proceeds with subsequent processes.

3. Upload Documents

For certain ticket types, such as student tickets, relevant documents are required for ticket issuance.

Third parties can use this interface to conveniently and quickly upload the required documents to Ctrip.

4. Query Order Details

After obtaining a Ctrip order number, third parties can use this interface to query detailed information about the order, including basic order data, contact information, passenger information, and itinerary data.

This function is used for third-party synchronization of order data or third-party user-side display.