
  1. Assuming that after the order is paid and issued, John’s family want to refund the order: they can not travel because they cancelled the travel plan.

Note that voluntary refund may incur refund fees (same for the purchased ancillary products).

  1. if John’s family wants to refund simply because of airline-initiated flight schedule changes or other involuntary reasons, they can refund free of charge (same for the purchased ancillary products).

What do you need to start?

All you need to get started with a refunding is the OrderID of the order you’d like to refund or cancel.

The order refunding process happens in just 2 steps:

  1. Query refundability

  2. Create an order refund application

1. Query refundability

If the order is paid and tickets are already issued, then the ability to refund the order is not guaranteed, because refund in this scenario is subject to applicable refund rules.

That means whether John can refund his order and how much refund John can get depend on the applicable rules.

You can use QueryFlightRefundability API to see whether individual segments are refundable.

  • If the response of the API shows that individual segments are non-refundable, then John is unable to refund the order and he can not get his money back.

  • If the response of the API shows that individual segments are refundable, then John will be able to refund the order, but how much refund he can get depends on the applicable rules.

Please check the refunds in the response.

Assuming that individual segments of the whole itinerary of John’s family are all refundable, then how much refund John can get will be shown in the response.

You need to show the refundability of each segment and how much refund John can get to John in your interface.

If John is happy to go ahead, then he can confirm his refunding to finish it and get some money back.

2. Create an order refund application

You can use the ApplyRefund API to submit a refund application,.

You will then receive the refund success status through our order notification service.

How to validate refunding?

To validate that the order has been refunded, you can get an order by RefundID and check the refunding details.

How to cancel an unissued order?

If an order is not yet issued, we tend to call it "cancel an order" to distinguish it from refunding an already issued order.

To cancel an unissued order, you only need to use the CancelOrder API to create an order cancellation application. You can get your money back if the order has been paid.

Refund API reference

please refer to Refund Service.